

We know your pet is a cherished member of your family. Saying goodbye is extremely difficult. At the clinic, we feel it’s important to make these last moments with your trusted companion as peaceful and comfortable as possible. We’ve designed a lounge area with a love seat, a large cushion and a fold-down counter.

How do I know when it’s time?

Your veterinarian will be best equipped to advise you on whether your pet’s condition means euthanasia should be on the table. When an animal’s quality of life has been compromised due to illness, and there are no other options, euthanasia is sometimes the right decision, even though it can be difficult to accept. If you’d like to discuss euthanasia with our team, contact us for an appointment.

What happens when my pet is put to sleep?

Euthanasia is a painless, peaceful procedure. You’ll have time to say goodbye first, in our lounge area. If you like, you can accompany your pet to the room where we will inject the euthanasia solution by intravenous. The medication will send your pet into a deep and painless sleep, before gently stopping its heart.

If being at your pet’s side during its final moments is too difficult, you are absolutely not required to be present. The decision is yours, and we respect your wishes either way.

I really like this vet. Everyone is so friendly. They take the time to explain/answer any questions that I have.…

Mariette Gallan

All the staff at the clinic are very caring, helpful, professional, knowledgeable & always available. I highly recommend this clinic…

Marie-claude Boyer

The staff here are always so nice, gentle, and friendly. The store area is always clean. The vets truly care…

Hilary Marin


Exotic Animals

Just like your cat or dog, your exotic animal needs an annual examination to make sure it is in good health.

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